Our Services

Timber Treatment & Reinstating

Understanding Timber Rot:
How to Differentiate Between Types

Wet Rot

Typically appears darker in colour, often with a damp, spongy texture.
Commonly found in areas with high moisture levels, such as around leaking pipes, roofs, or windows.
Look for cracked or flaking timber, accompanied by a musty odour. Wet rot tends to affect the surface layers of wood and may cause localised damage.

Dry Rot


Usually lighter in colour than wet rot, with a powdery or brittle texture.


Thrives in damp, poorly ventilated areas, such as basements, cellars, or crawl spaces.Signs: Watch for shrinkage, cracking, or cuboidal cracking of the wood surface. Dry rot can penetrate deep into the timber, causing extensive structural damage if left untreated.


Characterised by small, round exit holes in the timber surface, often accompanied by fine wood dust.
Typically found in dry, untreated timber, such as floorboards, furniture, or structural beams.
Look for the presence of adult beetles, larvae, or frass (woodworm excrement). Woodworm damage appears as tunnels or galleries within the wood, weakening its structure over time.