Our Services

What Proofterior Offer To Protect Your Home

Have A Look At What We Specialise In...

Damp & Mould

Damp and mould in your property can arise from various causes. Our expert surveyors meticulously diagnose these issues, ensuring our skilled team repairs and restores your property to pristine condition.

Timber Treatment & Reinstating

Specialising in the treatment of Timber & reinstating means we deal with issues like: Wet rot, Dry Rot & Woodworm.


Increasing Energy Efficiency

Enhancing your property’s energy efficiency is at the core of our services. Our solutions are tailored to boost performance and reduce energy costs, ensuring a sustainable and cost-effective environment.

Incorrectly Functioning Cavities Causes a Source of Numerous Issues

Properly functioning cavity walls are crucial for the health and structural integrity of your property. When these cavities are compromised, they can lead to a variety of problems, including dampness, mould growth, and reduced energy efficiency.

Book a Cavity Wall Survey with Us Today

A cavity wall survey is an essential step in identifying and rectifying these issues. Our comprehensive survey includes:

  • Detailed Inspection: We use advanced equipment to examine the condition of your cavity walls, identifying any potential issues such as moisture ingress, thermal bridging, or insulation faults.
  • In-Depth Analysis: Our experts will assess the cavity walls for debris or blockages that could be impacting their performance.
  • Clear Documentation: We provide a full report with images and videos, giving you a complete overview of our findings.
  • Expert Recommendations: Based on our survey, we’ll suggest the most effective solutions to any issues we uncover, ensuring your property remains safe, dry, and energy-efficient.
    Protect your property’s health and efficiency. Contact us to schedule your cavity wall survey today.

Energy Evaluation

Comprehensive Energy Evaluation

Our process begins with a thorough energy evaluation of your property. Our experts will assess your current energy consumption and identify areas where improvements can be made. This evaluation is the foundation for creating a personalised energy efficiency plan.