Our Services

Damp Proofing and Mould Solutions

We specialise in expertly diagnosing and effectively resolving damp and mould issues in properties. Our comprehensive approach ensures not just a treatment of symptoms, but a thorough resolution of the underlying causes, safeguarding your property’s structural integrity and ensuring a healthier living environment.

Understanding Damp and Mould in Properties

Dampness and mould growth can stem from a variety of sources, including external weather conditions, internal condensation, and structural weaknesses. These issues can affect not only the structural health of your building but also the well-being of its occupants.

Our Expert Approach

Our team of professional surveyors and technicians are equipped with state-of-the-art tools and possess the expertise required to accurately identify and resolve damp and mould problems. We dedicate time to a thorough inspection of your property, ensuring an in-depth understanding of the issue at hand.

Comprehensive Damp and Mould Services

  • Cavity Wall Surveys: In-depth inspections to uncover any issues like insulation gaps or moisture ingress within your walls.
  • Mould Remediation: Thorough cleaning and treatment of mould-affected areas, including addressing the moisture source to prevent future growth.
  • Damp Proofing Solutions: Ranging from masonry creams and damp proof course injections to internal waterproofing, our damp proofing services are custom-tailored to your property’s specific needs.
  • Ventilation Improvement: Enhancing your property’s ventilation to mitigate condensation, a key factor in damp and mould proliferation.
  • Plastering and Restoration Work: Post-treatment, we provide skilled restoration services, including plastering and skirting board replacement, to return affected areas to their original condition or better.

Book a Cavity Wall Survey with Us Today

A cavity wall survey is an essential step in identifying and rectifying these issues. Our comprehensive survey includes:

  • Detailed Inspection: We use advanced equipment to examine the condition of your cavity walls, identifying any potential issues such as moisture ingress, thermal bridging, or insulation faults.
  • In-Depth Analysis: Our experts will assess the cavity walls for debris or blockages that could be impacting their performance.
  • Clear Documentation: We provide a full report with images and videos, giving you a complete overview of our findings.
  • Expert Recommendations: Based on our survey, we’ll suggest the most effective solutions to any issues we uncover, ensuring your property remains safe, dry, and energy-efficient.
    Protect your property’s health and efficiency. Contact us to schedule your cavity wall survey today.